Good Friday Message: Stripes on Friday
![]() Last year, we were unsure of where things were going with COVID and had a small gathering. Two years ago, I did Easter on Zoom. This year, I had my whole "crew" here last Sunday for our traditional time of food and the telling of the Easter Story with Resurrection Eggs followed by the annual egg hunt.
Yes, this "Inspired Message" is primarily a re-run. But, I don't think I could tell it in any other way. It's a gruesome fact. And, without these stripes, we would never come to know our salvation. Today is "Good Friday". Of course, nobody knew that it was good at the time or the significance of what was going to happen next...
As we know, through scripture, the week that started with such jubilation did not end that way. Those who had cried “Hosanna” became fearful for their lives and hid. Even His disciples were not faithful. As Jesus prayed in Gethsemane, he asked Peter, John and James to “watch” as he prayed. They fell asleep. That very night Judas betrayed Him and Peter denied Him. By Friday, He had been whipped, beaten, mocked, humiliated and nailed to a cross to die. Only a handful of witnesses where there when He drew His last breath. Even then, his compassion was displayed as he made provision for his mother; forgave those who crucified him, and for the thief at his side.
The stripes that Peter refers to (1 Peter 2:24 above) are the lash marks of the whip. Those stripes represent the pain that He endured for us, for our salvation. “That we…should live unto righteousness.” His blood was shed before He reached the cross. Yet, His death upon that cross is what had to happen for our salvation. His blood, all of His blood had to be shed for us. When the soldier pierced His side, the last drops of His eternal blood were shed.
As we continue our week, looking to Sunday, remember the stripes that brought our salvation and the blood that makes us whole. Alleluia! Cindy Lee Nonnemacher Author |
Want more?Cindy Lee, the author of Connecting the Light, publishes "Inspired Messages" every few weeks. Each of these messages provide insight and inspiration in a world gone a muck! Drawn from her own life and often reflecting current events, you will find these messages have a practical side when facing life in the real world.
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